About Us

T.P.I. Professional Distributor Inc. has grown into one of the biggest bread distributions among all of Southern California. Originally the company had started off with only 12 markets but has accumulated to giving its finest services to nearly 250 venues in the past 10 years. At T.P.I. we work as a team to provide exceptional service with great staff and different varieties of product. The bread to be offered ranges in variety not only of the American origin but as well as Mediterranean, Artisan, Middle Eastern etc. Our objective at T.P.I. is to satisfy the customer with high quality breads and our exceptional service. The different bakeries we work with, some of which include Unified Bakery, Global Bakery, International Pita Bread Bakery and many others, make high quality bread overnight meeting the highest standards of our customers. We offer deliveries 6 days out of the seven; with Saturday being our day off .However works through holidays such as Christmas and New Years, always trying to meet the needs of our customers. Also, shipping to other locations outside of Southern California includes Nevada and Texas.